Everyone Needs A Vacation

Last week, my husband and I went to Hilton Head Island, SC with my family.  I must say, this vacation came at the PERFECT time. About two weeks before the trip, my joints decided to have a flare up (pain and inflammation).  I hadn’t had this problem at all since I went gluten free and completely changed the way I viewed food. (Read my story here.)  I could not understand what was causing this flare up (neither could my doctor).  I knew that I had to do something, because I hated the pain, and I’m the type of person who has to know answers to everything (like what could be causing this). I know, I know, sometimes there are no answers. But I still dig for them.

So what did I do? I juiced more, I practiced hot yoga, I ate healthier (more than I already do), and I prayed.  The day we left for the beach was my worst day yet. To make a long story short, after being at the beach a few days, my pain was so much better.  Some days, I didn’t feel pain at all. You know what that means? I’m definitely supposed to move to the beach. j/k  It means that I need to slow down more; take time for myself.  We could all use a beach vacation, right? If you can’t go on vacation and relax, then find something that you can do for yourself: get a massage, read a book at a coffee shop (to get away from your to-do list at home), go to the pool, or anything that makes you calm and relaxed.

All that being said, we all need to listen to our body more.  If we are in pain, than our body is trying to tell us something.  If you’re exhausted and tired, it’s okay to skip a workout and rest.  Rest is good for us. (I’m speaking to myself as well)

Now onto more exciting things.  I wish I would have taken pictures of the delicious food we had on vacation, but I was too busy enjoying it.  I’ll try to remember for next time. Since I won’t be telling you about all the amazing fresh seafood we devoured, I’ll end this post with pictures from our beach vacation with my mom, dad, brother and his wife, and my twin niece and nephew.  We had an amazing time! I am so thankful for that time we had together.

Eric & I: Dinner at Skull Creek Boathouse


My niece, Chloe, & I Before Dinner at The Black Marlin


Caden & Chloe on Memorial Day: It's Hard to Sit Still When You're 15 Months


Date Night @ Skull Creek Boathouse w/ My Brother & Amiee


My Mom & Dad w/ Their Grandbabies


My Sister-in-Law & I with the Twins

I hope you have a fun & relaxing summer!


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