A few months ago, I opened up about my biological father’s death and all the hurt, healing, and forgiveness that happened around that time. A vulnerable subject matter for me, but it had been on my heart to go ahead and share. But there’s something else that happened that day that I wanted to share.

It’s another moment of vulnerability but—genuinely—the reason I’m sharing this is because my heart and passion is to help others get to the root of their sickness, disease, or even minor health issues so they can feel better and live an abundant life.

So while I always have talked on here about healing our bodies on a physical level, I’ve learned over the past few years that sometimes there’s a deeper, spiritual or emotional root to health issues that needs to be addressed. I fully believe all parts of us, the way God created it, work together so that means BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT!
The day my father died (and he & his family rejected me all over again, can read my post from Aug 11 if want for more context), I was laying in my bed crying, and as I turned over, I saw my Armour thyroid prescription sitting on my nightstand and I heard so clearly from God, “that’s from rejection.”

May sound strange…but you see, I’ve done everything naturally that I could ever do to heal my thyroid. Proper foods for thyroid health, supplements, oils, you name it…for years. The rest of my body was completely healed from all health issues I used to have except for my thyroid. And if you look up the spiritual root of thyroid conditions in Dr. Henry Wright’s book, it says “FEAR, STRESS, ANXIETY.” And the root of the fear in my life was from rejection.

Why am I sharing this with you all? Because if you have any health issues (even minor ones), and you’ve done everything you know to do to try to heal that issue, Dr. Wright says that 80% of health conditions have a spiritual root to them So while my thyroid prescription I take isn’t synthetic, it’s still a reminder that I’m not healed YET, but I truly believe it will happen soon! The Lord in His goodness has been delivering me (and my husband…but that’s his story to share) from rejection, and God has been giving us revelation after revelation of just how much He loves & accepts us.

So if you have been trying ALL THE THINGS, looking for answers, doing all the “right stuff” and things still don’t feel like they are aligning, I recommend asking God to show any spiritual or emotional roots that need addressing! He is THE HEALER and no matter what, we can turn to Him for wisdom, guidance and thank Him for His faithfulness in all of it! 🙌

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