My Son’s Ear Infection Healed Naturally!

My son got his first ear infection when he was 15 months old, he was at such a fun age, getting to actually enjoy the beach, compared to the previous year when he just laid there. So I was so upset that he got sick while we were on vacation.

Some of you may be thinking, “Get antibiotics fast” but we personally try to avoid antibiotics when possible because they kill not only the bad bacteria in your body, but the good bacteria in your intestines, also. When you do so, you upset the delicate balance of your intestinal terrain. Yeasts grow unchecked into large colonies and take over, in a condition called dysbiosis. Antibiotics may help fungi to proliferate within your body and cause drug resistant bacteria to thrive. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, amoxicillin is not an effective treatment for otitis media (ear infection). In fact, after administration of amoxicillin, occurrence of fluid in the ear was two to six times greater. The British Medical Journal reviewed the use of antimicrobials for ear infections and published, “We conclude that existing research offers no compelling evidence that children with ear infections routinely given antimicrobials have a shorter duration of symptoms, fewer recurrences, or better long term outcomes than those who do not receive them. The authors went on to warn that, “Antimicrobial use in children with otitis media results in the emergence of resistant organisms in those children and in the community.” Most of the time, ear infections resolve on their own and you can use natural options to help speed up this process!

If we hadn’t been at the beach, than I would have taken our son to our chiropractor immediately. Chiropractors suggest that reduced drainage or blockage in the drainage system of the cervical (neck) lymphatic chains causes a reduction in the lymphatic outflow from the eustachian tube. This allows fluid to build up in the middle ear, making it an inviting environment for bacteria and viruses. Doctors of chiropractic focus on restoring homeostasis to the body. Several studies indicate a strong correlation between chiropractic adjustments and a quicker resolution of ear infections in children.

Essential Oils for Ear Infections:

What I did have on hand at the beach were my essential oils. Thank goodness I take them with me everywhere! These are my favorite essential oils for ear infections:

Melaleuca: Very powerful antimicrobial activity against all three of the infectious organisms: Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi. When diffused, it helps to prevent the spread of infection(URI, flu etc.). Together with its powerful immunostimulant properties, Melaleuca is a real ally in combating many illnesses and ailments. (colds, flu, URI, UTI, Cystitis) 


Basil: Basil Essential Oil tends to be one of the first oils that I select to relieve cold/infection symptoms. It is considered anti-bacterial/anti-viral, it acts as an expectorant and it also helps keep one alert. 


Oregano: Oregano essential oil is often called one of nature’s strongest antiseptics. Jean Valnet described Oregano oil as one of the strongest known anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation with nearly the power of morphine as a painkiller. I call it “Nature’s antibiotic.”


On Guard: The best blend for strengthening the immune system and fighting off bacteria, infections, viruses, mold, etc. It also works great as a topical disinfectant.

I used Oregano, Melaleuca, and On Guard on Owen every 3-4 hours. (I didn’t have Basil Oil with me at the time…but I definitely always keep it on hand now!) I rubbed Melaleuca on the outside of his ears and behind the ear bone. You can also put the oil on a cotton ball and then put cotton ball inside the ear. I diluted Oregano and On Guard with coconut oil and rubbed 1-2 drops on his feet. I used Peppermint essential oil for his fever. If I would have had probiotics with me, I would have also given that to him, but thankfully he was getting plenty of Vitamin D from the sunshine for extra immune system support. I did take fermented hummus to the beach with me so he was getting some probiotics. After a day or two, he was starting to feel much better; not 100% but he was still able to enjoy the beach…which made my mommy heart very happy!

My son’s gut health was never compromised by giving antibiotics and as a mom, I felt empowered knowing that I didn’t just have to sit by and watch my baby live in pain during all of this. I had my essential oils to not only treat his symptoms, but to work at a cellular level to fight the infection and shorten the duration of his illness. And in case you were wondering, I did call his pediatrician to let her know that he had an ear infection, and you know what she said? “90% of ear infections that are actually present clear up without antibiotic treatment…Keep using the essential oils.” (I love our pediatrician!)

To get essential oils at wholesale price, you can SIGN-UP for a kit here!


Cantekin, E.I.: McGuire, T.W.; Griffith, T.L.: Antimicrobial Therapy for Otitis Media With Effusion (Secretory Otitis Media), JAMA 1991; 266: 3309-3317.

Williams,R., MD MPH; Chalmers, T.,M.D., et al; Use of antibiotics in preventing recurrent acute otitis media and in treating otitis media with effusion. JAMA, Sept. 15, 1993- Vol. 270, No.11.

Fysh, P.N.: Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 1, No. 2, 1996. The author has presented a case series of five patients.

Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1985: 10(1):27-35. Musculoskeletal eustachian tube dysfunction is an important etiological factor for otitis media.


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