First, of all I want to start off by apologizing for not posting in a long time. Free time in the 1st trimester was spent resting after work, and lately I’ve been writing at my other blog. I’m blogging about baby over at Baby Makes Three. If you want to see pictures from our Gender Reveal Party, check them out here.
Preventing Winter Weight Gain:
If you’re like me, the winter months may make you to want to stay inside under a blanket with a cup of hot cocoa. Now that daylight savings has hit and it gets darker earlier, I find myself coming home from work and wanting to sit on the couch with a good show/movie. My normal (and usually easier) plan is to head to the gym for a workout class or meet a friend to go walking. So, I completely understand how hard it is to get yourself to the gym in the winter rather than do what your body wants, which is hit the couch. But I promise you that once you complete that workout, your body will thank you for the extra energy and the mood-lifting endorphins.
3 Tips to Prevent Weight Gain:
- Hit the Gym at the Right Time: For some people, they are too exhausted after a long day at work to work out. You know that you will not even try to force yourself to make it to the gym even though you know it will make you feel better. So, if you’re one of those people, you may benefit from an early morning workout (before you head to work). Sure, you’ll have to get up earlier, but you will get a great workout in, and you won’t feel guilty for watching your favorite TV shows after a long day on the job. Or maybe you are someone who cannot get motivated again once you make it home from work. The best tip for you is to always keep gym clothes in your car, and make sure you head straight to the gym after work (do not go home first). Because you know that once you make it home, you won’t be getting out in that cold weather again. You must plan in advance to accomplish your workout goals.
- Get REAL FOOD Conscious: During the winter, people’s vitamin D levels drop because they are not exposed to the best source of vitamin D, which is sunlight. This is one reason why it’s very important to get your vitamin D levels checked regularly-you probably need supplementation at least during the winter months. Low vitamin D levels are linked to depression, and many people struggle with SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder), caused by not being exposed to as much light/sunshine. This could lead to comfort eating during the winter blues. Instead of turning to comfort foods turn to real foods, which will boost your mood. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, folate, & B12 are especially important. These include wild salmon, walnuts, eggs, dark green leafy veggies, sunflower seeds & organic/grass-fed meat products. When you’re focused on eating foods that grow from the earth and less processed foods, the weight will naturally come off.
- Don’t Go Overboard at Holiday Festivities: Some people blame the winter pounds on the holidays. And if you’re someone that has multiple Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years parties to attend, than you definitely have to work harder at preventing the weight gain than others. But it IS possible, and you CAN do it. The best way to not overeat at a holiday party is to eat a healthy snack right before the party. A handful of nuts is an easy snack to keep in your purse when you’re on the go. The healthy fats & protein in the nuts will keep your blood sugar from dipping and will give you a sense of satiety so you’re not starving at the party. Make sure you’re eating protein at every meal/snack to keep you feeling fuller longer. When you’re at a party, don’t feel like you have to deprive yourself. Enjoy the food, but just make sure you limit the items that are exceptionally high in calories/fat/sugar. Load your plate up with veggies/fruit and protein first, then have a small portion of the higher carbohydrate items. Remember that sugar is just as addictive as cocaine is, so the more you eat it, the more your body wants it. Focus on your veggies & protein during the winter months, and this will help you not go back for seconds and thirds on all those holiday desserts.
Enjoy this holiday season and remember the reason for it all. Don’t stress over the little things, because we all know what stress does to our body. Have fun with all your loved ones, and safe travels to you all!
If you ever need help with your weight or other nutrition issues in your life, feel free to schedule a private consultation with me.