Processed Sugar Alternatives

Looking for some alternatives to PROCESSED SUGAR?! Here are some AMAZING alternatives we use in our house! First up is Coconut sugar. This alternative has a lower glycemic index than “normal table sugar” and has small amounts of minerals, antioxidants and fiber. It’s still sugar. but when needing a good swap out…this is a great option! .

Second is Raw Honey! This sweetener is also a powerhouse when it comes to benefits for our body. Studies have shown it to soothe sore throats, help with acid reflux, help with digestive issues, even heal wounds! It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Raw Local honey is also GREAT for seasonal allergies! Like I said…POWERHOUSE! .

Another option for a sweetener swap out from the processed or “typical” sugar is PURE MAPLE SYRUP. A great option due to its lower glycemic index and has significant amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and manganese. All great minerals our bodies love! .

No matter what kind of sweetener you prefer, using in moderation is always the best move…but making these swaps are an amazing option! Anyone use these in their baking or recipes in the day to day?? Would love to hear your thoughts on YOUR fav sweeteners!

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