Are you trying to do everything yourself? Maybe you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and not really sure how to get your head above water. Do you need to ask for help?
I get it. I’ve felt the same off and on. I’m not sure why we as moms have a hard time asking for help. Maybe it’s because we think it would require more effort to show someone how to do it the way we like it. Maybe we hold onto control a bit too much. Maybe we are worried about the financial aspect of getting help. Maybe we don’t even know who to ask.
Sister, I know it seems easier to just keep doing what you’re doing. But I promise it’s not. And what could it be doing to your physical & mental health by trying to do everything yourself?
I’ve been in a season where for whatever reason I’ve been afraid to ask for help. I think mine is the fear of getting the wrong person to help me. I’ve put it off for years actually. This week, a friend of mine pushed me to get help. So as I move forward in a leap of faith with the goal of making more time in my life for what’s most important (my family), I want to encourage you to ask for the help you need as well.
Maybe for you it’s a family friend to watch your kiddos a morning or two a week so you can get your cup filled up or tackle your to do list. Maybe it’s putting your littles in a Mother’s Day Out program. Maybe it’s hiring someone to clean your house or do your laundry. Or maybe it’s taking turns with a friend taking each other’s kids to the park so each of you can do what you need to get done and it not cost a thing. Whatever it is for you, I encourage you to ask for help.
We just weren’t meant to do this thing called life alone. And honestly, we weren’t meant to raise our kids alone either. It truly takes a village. You can’t be an awesome mom, wife, friend, chef, cleaner, homework tutor, business woman, taxi driver, etc on your own. I’VE TRIED IT…and it simply leaves you depleted. So, I’m getting more help. Will you too??? 🥰💕