Why choose Natural Toothpaste?

You know you’ve got a good toothpaste when you LOVE brushing your teeth! 😘

We love our ON GUARD toothpaste!
doTERRA’s fluoride-free Natural Whitening Toothpaste is seriously AMAZING! 💪🏼✨🍊

It gives us all the wonderful protective benefits of the doTERRA On Guard blend, combined with other awesome natural ingredients that help us clean our teeth, reduce our plaque, and whiten our teeth, too!

With Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary as well as Peppermint and Wintergreen in the mix…trust me when I say that this toothpaste leaves you feeling FRESH and CLEAN—ready to smile throughout the day! 😁🦷❄️

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