2019 was a really hard year…

As 2019 comes to an end, I’ve been reflecting on all of it and by far this has been one of THE hardest years for our family. .
I’m genuinely thankful for many of the moments we’ve had and am grateful for SO MUCH, so I’m not at all trying to compare pain or hardship with anyone else…but it has been hard, none the less.

In case you missed it—Owen got part of his finger cut off at school (but God grew it back 🙌🏻—see my post from
June 30th for those details), then a few months later Owen’s jaw was broken and dislocated which led to extreme anxiety at his new school and then his wrist was broken only a few weeks after that. 😭 My biological father passed away and unfortunately the family didn’t allow for me to have any closure with him. 💔 And my grandmother passed away as well as Eric’s grandmother AND his grandfather so…like I said, it’s been an extremely hard one. 😢

But you know what? God got us through ALL of it! He has been right there with us every step of the way, pouring out His love and reminding our family “Trust me…. I’ve got you. Trials don’t mean I love you any less. Trials are an opportunity for me to show you just how much I love you. Lean on me…I’ll get you through this.” .
I’ve learned first-hand that trials are an opportunity for our faith to GROW and I have been reminded through it all that God would work everything out for good in our lives…because we love Him! (Romans 8:28).

In the battle, God strengthens us and matures us so we can carry and move in the new territory with ENDURANCE.
So often when hard or bad things happen, the lies from the enemy come in and give us thoughts like, “How is God good if he allowed this to happen to you?” Or “See, you better figure it all out. It’s all on you to get the answers to this. If you don’t, everything could get worse.” I’ve heard all those thoughts before. But as we renew our mind in THE TRUTH daily we can truly take every thought captive and give it to HIM!

So if you’ve had a hard year like we have or maybe you’re going through some hard things right now—God will never let you down! He is GOOD! He ADORES you. He is FOR you. Turn to Him. Surrender it ALL. He will carry you through if you simply let Him! .
As this year comes to a close I am excited for the year ahead and see A LOT MORE FUN for our family in 2020 and A LOT MORE LAUGHTER! ❤️

Thank You!

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